Monday, August 22, 2005

Yoga Teacher From India

This morning, Mr Devinder Pal Marria, joined the group of Yoga enthusiasts in Yishun Park. He was on two weeks visit to Singapore as his son's family is staying in Yishun Housing Estate. He has been teaching Yoga to them more a year ago after which he returned to India to work. During his occasional visit to Singapore he would also visit the yoga group in Yishun Park and give the finer points of Yoga. He said that Yoga is good for the mind, body and spirit. We hope to learn more finer points on Yoga from him.

Update-30Aug05: Mr Devinder Pal Marria turned up every morning and was happy to meet everyone there. He also visited another group of Yoga enthusiasts at the open area beside Blk 366 Yishun Ring Road where other lead trainers were present for the Yoga sessions. This group practise every wednesday and saturday evenings. Mr Marria would be returning to India this Sunday but will return again during his next vacation. The Yoga enthusiasts were appreciative of his contributions.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Internet-ing, putting up websites etc is indeed interesting

Internet-ing is also one of my hobby.

I like to surf the internet for information. There are just too much of information that one can choose. Interesting topics would be downloaded into my PDA and I could read wherever and whenever I could. Surfing internet including various internet forums and sites really give you an up to date sense of the world ticking away every seconds. This supplements the newspapers and tv news and reports. Some peoples' moods, happiness, frustrations, etc can also be felt. One can read and watch opposing views as well as the wide range of views - concern, grateful, frustrated, etc.

I started learning Frontpage and practise putting up websites. I would toy with different webpages, templates or design them. Since I am into real estate business, I got plenty of material to put into the website. Photographs obtained would be loaded on to the website to give viewers a good picture of the properties etc as a picture is worth more than a thousand words. It is interesting in that internet users from all over the world could reach you. The website is also a great advertisement and communication tool. I would state when I contactable or not contactable, overseas, etc for information of those concerned.

Initially I started some courses on various computer programmes and putting up of websites. With interests and practice I improved day by day. Initially, only those who read my name cards, newspaper advertisements, flyers, etc get to access my website. Later through search engines, one could also get to my website at Simply type my name, initial, Mobile/HP number or relevant type/location of properties to do the search.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Is Yoga for the young and nimble only? Not so, as I found out....

What a surprise...

At first, I thought that Yoga involves bending various parts of the body, hands and legs and that people like me is too old to learn or practise Yoga. I thought that my body, hands and legs would be too stiff and hardened and it would be very painful to take part in Yoga. I can only admire and envy those who are able to enjoy Yoga and its benefits.

One fine morning, after some morning exercise at Yishun Nature Park, my wife and I took our breakfast in Neighbour 4 coffee shop and there we were gathered with some other friends chit chatting away. All are body fit enthusiasts.

In the course of the conversation, my wife and I were surprised to learn from a Yoga practitioner and trainer who informed us that we were not too old to learn as we could choose the various positions to fit our profile. We were informed that Yoga sessions have been going on for free for sometime and we would certainly benefit from the Yoga sessions.

Without wasting any more time, my wife and I head for the sports shop and got one mat each. The next morning come and off we went to Yishun Nature Park to join our Yoga friends, young and old, some even older than us. I was surprised that much older people can do Yoga rather well. Initially, the stretching seems easy but not the various poses which require much flexibility. After a few days of stretching, we found many of our body parts tired and aching. With persistence, we now found Yoga enjoyable and our bodies have become much more nimble and flexible, even at our age.

One clear outcome was the swell in my painful knee joint having subsided completely within a short period and I was able to use the knee as normal.

Most are residents in Yishun with some coming from Thomson Road, Hougang, etc.

We made more friends in the neighbourhood and get to know the neighbourhood even better. My appreciation to the lead trainers who turn up to lead the group in Yoga practices without anything in return...

This is just the beginning. How much benefit/s Yoga will be bring remains to be seen provided my wife and I continue to practice earnestly.

For more information on yoga in yishun, look at this website:-

First blogging, Add-On PHOTOGRAPHS, LINKS

This is the first time blogging. So must proceed carefully, not to hurt anyone in anyway. My principle is to apologise if I make any mistake or make any wrong move and to learn from it. But not to try new things, seemingly moral and legal, is not being adventurous. .....................................................................................................................................................................